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Multicultural Festival Event -
June 30, 2024

Gifted People Services is proud to partner with OHB on this noble initiative. We will leverage our expertise and resources to expand OHB’s impact and work together to spread love, hope and harmony. Through this partnership, we aim to bring tangible change to communities around the world, building a global family built on compassion and solidarity... Learn More

Multicultural Festival Event -
June 30, 2024

每年的6月27日是多元文化加拿大日,这一天旨在表彰众多文化社区为建设强大而充满活力的加拿大社会所作出的贡献。这是一个聚集在一起庆祝丰富多彩的文化多样性、共同丰富我们的生活,并表达对文化公平、包容和相互尊重的承诺的机会... 了解更多

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Mother's Day
May 12, 2024


Earth Day
April 22, 2024


Light Blue Star
April 21, 2024

随着四月自闭症宣传月的结束,让我们共同参加一场盛大的慈善晚会,为这一系列活动画上完美的句号。这场晚会是我们四月活动的亮点,旨在为自闭症儿童的治疗筹集资金. 了解更多

Traces from the stars
April 2, 2024

本次艺术展览展示了年轻艺术家陈杰登的作品,他从小就表现出对绘画的热情。杰登的母亲说,杰登每天都在画画,有时是临摹其他作品,有时是画卡通或玩具。杰登在绘画上有自己的偏好;他经常偏离老师的指示,运用想象力画自己喜欢的东西。他在思考的同时进行绘画,通过自己的思维处理,将所见事物转化为独特的创作. 了解更多

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World Down Syndrome Day
March 21, 2024


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Internation Women's Day
March 10, 2024

On this International Women's Day, we honor all women worldwide and extend heartfelt thanks to our female staff, teachers, and mothers. At Gifted People Services, we celebrate inclusion and diversity, recognizing and encouraging every woman's potential. We appreciate the selfless dedication and resilience of our mothers and teachers, whose strength and optimism inspire us all. Happy International Women's Day!

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Chinese New Year
February 10, 2024

As the year comes to a close and a new one begins, Gifted People Services welcomes the Lunar New Year with you. We wish everyone a year filled with joy, success, and family happiness.

Healing salon
January 20, 2024

In 2024, Gifted People Services is launching the “Healing Salon” series. “Healing” – discovering more beauty while healing oneself. We hope our friends will have a relaxing corner and a warm, inclusive space in their lives. At Healing, you can make friends, listen, and share.

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